Manifest Your Worth
Portrait photography can help us manifest our desires because if we can see the person we want to be, it’s easier for us to become that person.
Overcoming Fear
We struggle to attain what we cannot imagine, that is, what we’ve never known in our own lives or seen someone we know achieve. That’s what manifesting is all about. We need to see or imagine how we get from A to B before we can get there ourselves because until we do, it’s an unknown.
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”
H. P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature (1927)
Portraits of ourselves can help us get over limiting beliefs because they show us the version of ourselves we want to become. They help us see ourselves in ways we didn’t believe possible.
A Testimonial
In April 2022 I went out to Zambia to take photographs for Our Moon, a charity that helps intelligent, underprivileged young people into university.
One of the young women I photographed was only 17 years old and came from a home where she didn’t know if she could hope to go to university.
When I photographed her I asked her to stand tall, lower her shoulders, lift her chin up, to imagine herself as a strong, confident young woman, utterly brilliant, assured of her own abilities and proud of all she had achieved. I told her she had come this far so what was there that she could not achieve?
At Christmas 2022, while she was on a work placement, she wrote me a wonderful letter that I will treasure. In her letter she said,
The photograph you took of me helped me to see myself in a different light. I think I have become that confident woman you took a photo of.
We are creative and imaginative people, but sometimes our imaginations fail us so we have to “manifest” our goals.
Written on the Body
We instinctively know what confidence, sexiness and power look like even if we can’t describe or replicate them. Part of it is clothing which is why we power dress. Most of it is body language and facial expression.
Seeing is Believing
Documentary photographers aim to capture what’s there. Portrait photographers craft dreams so you can see what could be and in seeing, achieve them.
Sometimes when you see photographs of yourself in a new attitude, you’ll think, “but that doesn’t feel like me”. Remember, that’s the point. Photographs help you change your mindset so you can become whoever you want to be.
If you’d like to see yourself in a different attitude, showing the worth you have within, please email for a free consultation.